
Tuesday 21/09/2021

New classes starting this week

Support class for Years 3, 4, 5 and 6, with a strong focus on the grammatical features of the Greek language.

These classes will run online on the following days for the following year groups:

Monday 6-8pm for Year 3

Tuesday at 6-8pm for Year 4

Wednesday at 6-8pm for Year 5 and

Thursday at 6-8pm for Year 6

Due to the nature of the courses, it is strongly recommended that your children attend these courses in order to further improve their understanding and management of the Greek language.

Getting to know Greece (history/ geography class)

In addition to the classes mentioned above, additional class (face to face) will be delivered in order to offer to our children a more spherical understanding of Greek history and geography. These classes will run every Friday at 6-8pm at St Barnabas, starting from this week, where children from all year groups are welcome to join in.

In order to prepare for these face to face sessions, we kindly request that you let us know of your participation for this particular class by sending an email to the Headteacher's account. More specifically, for the start of this class this coming Friday, please let us know if you can attend by Thursday 23rd September 2021.

We believe that these additional classes will further enhance our children's understanding of the Greek language, culture, history and geography of the country and would be delighted to welcome your children to the online classes as well as the one running face to face.

Please contact the headteacher for any further questions.

Christmas Celebration and Bazaar 2019

Our Christmas Celebration took place on Saturday, December 14th. Our celebration was packed with a number of activities from all age groups, including Christmas songs by our school choir, theater plays and poems. Santa made a special appearance at the end and gave presents to all our pupils! Our school headteacher Ioannis Photiades presented the activities and our teacher Aliki Dermati spoke about the importance of this celebration.

Our celebration also featured a Christmas Bazaar, with delicious sweets, Christmas cards and Christmas socks kindly provided by our Parish members. We also had a number of game activities for children to take part. All proceeds went to the school and we would like to thank all parents for their contributions!

Parents Day and Open Day

We had our Parents Day on Saturday 30/11 during school hours, when parents discussed with teachers of all classes about their children's progress.

As part of this event, we had an Open Day slot for parents of prospective pupils (or adults wishing to join our respective class) . During this time, parents or adults wishing to join the school could discuss with the Headteacher and Chairman of the school any questions about classes, timetable or other topics.

We had coffee and cookies in the School Hall throughout the event for those who wanted to stay a bit longer!

Celebration for the Greek National Day (28th Oct 1940 - OXI day)

Our celebration of the OXI day took place on Saturday, October 26th. It was extremely well-attended by both parents and children, so many thanks to all for your participation!

Our pupils across all classes conducted various activities according to their age, after weeks of preparation with their teachers. Our school headteacher Ioannis Photiades presented the activities and our teacher Elena Karafotia spoke about the importance of this celebration and its association with today's geopolitical situation around Greece and Cyprus. We closed the celebration with the national anthem.

Our Annual Sanctification (Αγιασμός)

Our annual sanctification at the Greek School of Oxford took place last Saturday, September 14th. As the Exaltation of the Holy Cross is celebrated on the date, Father Ian explained to our pupils the meaning of this celebration and we then proceeded with sanctification for our pupils, staff and parents.

The Greek School of Oxford - Beginning of the school year 2019/2020

Αγαπητοί γονείς,

Μετά τις διακοπές του καλοκαιριού σας καλωσορίζω πίσω στο Ελληνικό Σχολείο της Οξφόρδης. Εύχομαι να είχατε ξεκούραστες και ευχάριστες καλοκαιρινές διακοπές.

Το σχολείο μας ανοίγει στις 6 Σεπτεμβρίου για τις τάξεις της Παρασκευής και στις 7 Σεπτεμβρίου για τις τάξεις του Σαββάτου. Οι μαθητές/τριες θα ξεκινήσουν από την πρώτη κιόλας μέρα, κανονικό μάθημα με τους νέους δασκάλους τους. Για τον λόγο αυτό, παρακαλώ να φέρουν μαζί τους τα βιβλία και το υλικό που χρησιμοποιούσαν την περσινή χρονιά.

Πιθανώς να έχετε παρατηρήσει την αλλαγή της ονομασίας των τάξεων, η οποία έχει κριθεί αναγκαία για την καλύτερη οργάνωση του σχολείου και τη συμμόρφωση του με τα αγγλικά πρότυπα. Ωστόσο, θα ήθελα να σας ενημερώσω ότι η σύνθεση των τάξεων παραμένει η ίδια όπως και πέρσι, το ίδιο ισχύει και για την ημέρα και ώρα προσέλευσης των μαθητών/τριών. Οι νέοι μαθητές/τριες του σχολείου μας θα λάβουν σύντομα email στο οποίο θα γνωστοποιηθεί η τάξη τους καθώς και η ημέρα και ώρα που θα προσέρχονται στο σχολείο.

Την πρώτη μέρα τα παιδιά κάθε τάξης, πριν το μάθημα τους, θα πρέπει πρώτα να προσέλθουν στην αρχική συγκέντρωση στην οποία θα γνωρίσουν τον δάσκαλο τους και θα οδηγηθούν στην καινούργια τους αίθουσα. Για τους λόγους αυτούς η έγκαιρη προσέλευση στη συγκέντρωση είναι απαραίτηση. Θα παρακαλούσα επίσης ανάλογη τυπικότητα στις ώρες προσέλευσης καθ' όλη τη διάρκεια της χρονιάς.

Εύχομαι σε όλους ένα παραγωγικό και ευχάριστο σχολικό έτος! Για οποιαδήποτε διευκρίνιση είμαι πάντα στην διάθεση σας.

Με εκτίμηση,



Dear parents,

I would like to welcome you back to the Greek School of Oxford. I hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable summer break.

The Greek School of Oxford is opening for the new school year on Friday, 6th of September, for Friday's classes and on Saturday, 7th of September, for Saturday's classes. Lessons will be held on the first day so students should bring along their books, notebooks and files they were using last year.

Probably, you may have noticed a changed in the way classes are named. This has been deemed necessary to ensure that the school is better organised and conforms to the UK school standards. However, I want to confirm that all students will attend the Greek School same day and time as last year in the same groups as before. Our freshers will receive an email soon indicating their class, as well as the day and time they will be attending our school.

On the first day, all students must attend the assembly which will take place in the main hall. There they will meet their new teachers and they will be taken to their new classrooms. Therefore punctual arrival to the assemby is necessary and similar punctuality will be exptected for the rest of the school year.

I hope we will have a productive and pleasant school year. I am at your disposal for any questions or clarifications.



The Greek School of Oxford is looking for enthusiastic teachers to join its vibrant community from September 2019.

Due to the increased numbers of nursery students that will be joining us the new school year, we are looking for a teacher with a degree in Early Childhood Studies. At the same time, we always welcome applications from teachers that can cover our wide range of other classes (Year 1-6, GCSEs and adult groups). Candidates should have a teaching qualification and should also be fluent in English. Although previous teaching experience is desirable, newly qualified teachers are also welcome to apply. The school operates on Fridays (6-8 pm) and Saturdays (11 am-3.15 pm).

Those interested can send their CV to by the 23rd of August, with interviews taking place soon afterwards.

School Committee Elections - Sunday, July 7th. 2018

These are the current nominations for the SC elections to take place during the Annual General Meeting on July 7th at 13:00 at St Barnabas primary school. You can also nominate yourselves on the day by contacting our Secretary Ann Lingas who will be present in the AGM.

Candidate Statements

John Kostoulas

John is the father of 8-year old Valena, who has been a pupil in the school for the last five years. John has been involved in the school committee since 2016 and as chair of the committee since August 2017. Having seen the school growing and progressing in the last few years, John is looking to contribute to its further establishment as a great place for children to learn, form strong relationships, understand Greek culture and heritage, and shape the future of the Greek community in Oxford together with their parents.

George Krasopoulos

George Krasopoulos is the father of two boys attending the school and husband to Cathy. He has been an active member of the school committee and Treasurer for the past 3 years. His intentions are to help the School to succeed and develop; creating an environment of learning, trust and support where the Greek community of Oxford and everyone else willing to learn about Greek language and culture, can attend and enjoy.

Christos Zois

Christos Zois is the father of two boys attending the school. He has been a member of the school committee since 2017.

Metaxia Pavlakou

Metaxia (Menia) Pavlakou is the mother of 8-year-old Orestes and 4-year-old Aris. She has been member of the committee for the past three years and has been actively involved in the school, offering singing sessions to the children. As an educational researcher and music teacher, Metaxia is interested in helping the school develop further with a program richer in artistic activities, a carefully planned curriculum that covers the individual needs of our learners, and a stimulating learning environment that keeps our children motivated and excited about the Greek language and culture.

Summer Fair and Annual Parents Meeting - a big Thank You!

First of all, we would like to thank you for attending the AGM this year. It is very important to hear your views in making the school better every year. The draft minutes have already been posted on the website.

Thank you also for coming to our summer fair, although we started later than expected and it was really warm in the rooms. Thank you for your patience. The children however did their best and enjoyed their performances. Thank you as well for all the delicious food you brought. We are more than grateful!

During the fair, we had our school logo competition and would like to thank Andrea Antoniadou and Chara (Joy) Cleverly for participating! One of Andrea's proposals was the one to get the most votes.

We are very sad to see Mrs Sofia Williams and Mr Nikos Mitakidis go this year. They were fantastic members of our team. Their enthusiasm, their planning, their initiative and creativity made the lesson a pleasant and fun environment. Both their groups were benefited not only by their skills but also by their character and ethos. Thank you very much and our door is always open, if you wish to return. At the same time, we are pleased to welcome Miss Andromache Kesoglou, who was at our fair, to our school from September.

Greek School of Oxford participated in British Museum's Great Postcard Challenge!

On Sunday 4th March 2018, students and parents of the Greek School of Oxford visited the British Museum for an exclusive exhibition called Community Preview of Charmed Lives in Greece: Ghika, Craxton & Leigh Fermor. The exhibition explored the friendship of the artists Nikos Hadjikyriakos-Ghika and John Craxton with the writer Patrick Leigh Fermor and how their work was inspired by a shared love of Greece.

As part of this visit, our students took part in the Great Postcard Challenge and had their own artwork, inspired by the exhibition, displayed at the museum on the day.